harika | |
harikaのブログ | |
年代 | 20代後半 |
性別 | 女性 |
TITLE. what is ott content world telecom |
DATE. 2019年02月07日 21:17:31 |
THEME. 未分類 |
How Over the Top Content Will Change the World of Telecom. ... OTT means "over-the-top," the term utilized for the conveyance of film and TV content by means of the web, without expecting clients to buy in to a customary link or satellite pay-TV benefit. As far back as its creation, the worldwide telecom industry has seen nonstop change. From the early broadcast and voice correspondence frameworks to over-the-top (OTT) content, the industry has developed, changed and propelled something other than about some other sort of business |
TAG. fieldengineer,freelancer |